My Camino Guide: words of wisdom

Both the owl and the Third Eye are symbols of wisdom. The Camino scallop shell is here a turban like those worn by Sikh gurus, teachers of enlightenment. “Only that life is good in which the inner battle is fought with determination, through patience and wisdom.” (Tenth Guru Gobind Singh)

“The Camino – it is therapy. I go deeper.
I become animal, natural.
I have gone beyond the seasons.”
— Antonia, Cicilian, living in Marseilles

“It’s beautiful to experience the struggle.”
— Jana, 18yo, student from Amsterdam

“All our culture is from this story.”
— Joanna, teacher, Krakow, Poland

“Every year, more people are walking the Camino.
I think that means something.”
— Fred, approx. 30yo, librarian from Versaille

“I will not let you go unless you bless me.”
— Jacob wrestling with his angel, Genesis 32:26